Meet Stacy

What does one do with a degree in Political Economy of Industrial Societies? One nerds out writing romantic fiction, naturally. Back when Stacy was slyly swiping thrillers and classics from her dad’s bookshelves, she dreamed of cluttering the bookshelves of others. Now she writes charming, spicy romance about bookish, sassy women and the hot alphas who fall for them. 

Writing makes her infinitely happy, but that might be the coffee talking. She drinks a LOT of it. 

She’s worked as a journalist, camp counselor, TV writer, SAT tutor, corporate finance researcher, education technology editor, and non-fiction author. When she’s not on a deadline, she’s in running shoes complaining that all roads seem to go uphill. Or on the couch with a margarita. Or fangirling at a soccer game.  

She’s never met a dog she didn’t want to hug. And if you have no plans for Thanksgiving, she’ll probably invite you to dinner. 

Stacy lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two sons, and a poorly-trained rescue dog who hoards socks. And she’s serious about the Thanksgiving thing.

Background music while writing generally includes U2, Lizzo, Billy Joel, Taylor Swift, Pink, and Led Zeppelin. Not necessarily in that order.

Come find me and say hello!
FB: stacy travis
Insta: @stacytravisauthor